Mostly mangling
On hashing and pseudo-random number generation.
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måndag 8 november 2021
Applying the RRC-64-test to the degski64 and Lea64 mixers
In LXM: better splittable pseudorandom number generators (and almost as fast) by Guy L Steele and Sebastiano Vigna, approaches for pseud...
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fredag 3 januari 2020
NASAM: Not Another Strange Acronym Mixer!
NASAM: Not Another Strange Acronym Mixer The various abbreviations became more and more unpronouncable. I give you "NASAM". T...
8 kommentarer:
måndag 16 december 2019
Stronger, better, morer, Moremur; a better Murmur3-type mixer.
I'll keep this brief: The original constants used in MurmurHash3 and Stafford's Variant 13 are not as good as they could have b...
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